Stuck at a career crossroads —

too stressed to stay and too scared to leave?

Check out the new
career discovery program
created just for you...

Discover your ideal career path with personalized support.

1-on-1 career transition coaching could help if you are...

A Corporate Employee Who Wants Out

You’ve been in this industry, with this employer, and maybe even in the same role for years and years.

You’re somehow both bored and stressed beyond belief. You’re used to it now, so most days you tell yourself it isn’t that bad… but if your job really isn’t that bad, why is it all you can think about?

Too Exhausted And Burnt Out To Dream

You’re always on — literally. Always on Slack and email. Always up in the middle of the night, worrying about tomorrow.

If you ever do give yourself a break, you feel immensely guilty. There never seems to be time to dream up a future career — one that probably won’t even happen anyway, right?

Struggling To Prioritize Your Next Move

Work, sleep, eat, repeat. And weekends? You’re lucky if you get through chores and errands, much less have any fun. Plus, work seems to bleed into the weekend more often than not.

So the reality is that everything and everyone else always comes first — especially your soul-sucking job.

Unsure What Else Is Out There

You don’t want to do this forever. But you just can’t seem to find the time — or the energy — to dream bigger.

You read about people who quit their jobs to fulfill a lifelong dream, but you never had a lifelong dream. Where would you even start? It’s exhausting just thinking about it… maybe someday.

Not Feeling Supported To Change

When you tell people you’re considering a career pivot, you get responses like:

“Everyone hates their job. Have you tried meditation?”

“Yeah, my job sucks too. But it pays the bills!”

“You really want to throw away all your hard work and start over?”

If you want to break free from corporate stress to find a career that gives you purpose, but need support to kickstart your journey...

Private career coach services could help!

How would you feel if you could...

1. Identify your career obstacles and learn ways to move past them — without ruminating or downplaying their impact

2. Feel supported as you explore a big career shift — without judgment or unsolicited opinions

3. See how your true interests, skills, and values could align in your next career — without reverting back to the tasks you hate most

4. Gain clarity on your next ideal career — without wading through another generic article or “Should I Quit My Job” quiz

5. Create customized goals and clear next steps that are right for you — without the weight of others’ expectations or timelines

6. Improve your self-confidence and understand yourself better — not just in the context of your career, but as a whole person


The 4-Step Career Reset

Your Personalized Path to Career Fulfillment

What’s worse than feeling trapped in your career?

Feeling trapped — and not being able to imagine anything better.

For many corporate millennials, the idea of a fulfilling job — or even a tolerable job — may seem out of reach.

Without an end goal to work towards, how do you take the first step? And how do you even identify the first step, or the end goal, when your job leaves you so drained that you barely have energy to make dinner?

This lack of clarity can leave you stuck for months or even years after you first start to feel that your career isn’t right for you. And so the cycle of burnout and exhaustion continues.

Your inability to disconnect from work leads to a constant state of stress and anxiety, even on weekends and vacation. The work-life imbalance leaves you exhausted and unfulfilled.

So what’s next?

Do you aim even higher, knowing that isn’t what you really want? Or keep telling yourself that you’ll figure out a more satisfying career “someday?”

You’re starting to realize that you may never take the leap without some support and guidance.

And friends and family mean well, but their input isn’t helping. No one’s advice, articles, or career quizzes have actually solved your problem. Here’s why:

You’re the only one who can create the fulfilling career you want.

But you don’t have to do it alone.

With the right support, you can confidently:

– Find your definition of a meaningful career

– Figure out what’s standing in your way

– Move toward the future you truly want

A more fulfilling career is waiting for you!

Let's find it together.

Imagine waking up on a Monday and NOT being filled with dread. Instead, you’re refreshed, confident… even excited, if you can remember what that feels like!

This time, you actually feel hopeful, because you finally believe that you deserve a better careerand you can almost picture it.

After a few career transition coaching sessions, you’ve not only identified career options that feel purposeful and aligned, but you’re actually putting one foot in front of the other — taking actions that move you closer to that reality.

A feminine-presenting person with long light brown hair sits in a bright white workspace in a white chair with white pine desk, plants, and a round mirror. She appears to be on a video chat, maybe with a career coach, and is taking notes in a notebook.

And no —

You don’t have to be a “dream job” or “true calling” type of person to have a purposeful, fulfilling career!

Instead of “finding your purpose,” think of it as choosing a better-fit career “on purpose.” It’s ultimately the same result, but less woo-woo.

It’s not that you’ll never have a stressful day or an overtime week ever again — but you’ll be curious, invested, and inspired enough to move through even challenging seasons with gratification. The work is uniquely meaningful to you, and the environment feels natural.

Choosing a career on purpose is about finding fulfillment and inspiration.

That’s the vision that awaits you.

With the right guidance and support, you can address the never-ending uncertainty, stress, and hopelessness you feel.

When you face your fear of the unknown, you can gain confidence and clarity to create a better career!

Your 4 Steps To Career Clarity

1. Now vs. Ideal Future

50-minute session

Outline your current challenges and begin to sharpen your vision of a better future.

2. Your Career Offsite

4-hour session

A private, customized career exploration: what does your meaningful career look like?

3. Reflect and Plan

50-minute session

What were your key insights? Where are you headed now — and how will you get started?

4. Start Your Journey

50-minute session

As you take your first steps, what’s getting in your way — doubt, fear, inaction? Let’s fix it.

Why Did I Create The 4-Step Career Reset?

I’m Lucy, your Career Discovery Coach, and here’s why I created this offer:

The 4-Step Career Reset is the program that I wish had existed during my own career transformation.

I was in the corporate world for a decade, and I know how it feels to be stuck in a career that’s just not working for you. I woke up every morning overwhelmed with dread, and ended every day feeling stressed, exhausted, and unfulfilled.

Through work nightmares, late nights, and countless urgent requests (why are they always urgent?), I wondered what else was out there …

But between being too exhausted to figure it out and too afraid of making the wrong decision, I stuck with it for way longer than I ever intended to.

You, too?

That’s why I created the 4-Step Career Reset program.

I want to give frustrated corporate millennials like you the tools and strategies to figure out what new career path is your best fit and help you find the confidence to pursue it

Not just “someday,” but ASAP.

So if you’re ready to find the career path that lights you up, I’m ready to take the leap with you.

Let’s go!

What Makes This Career Coaching Program Unique?

This career transition coaching program is all about self-discovery, empowerment, and working through challenges. We’ll focus on uncovering what an ideal career looks like to you, then make a plan to pursue your dream.

But it’s not a done-for-you solution or job skill training program.

Here’s what that means:

You Will Learn...

  • Clarity and self-compassion
  • Insight into the distinct characteristics that make up a fulfilling career for you
  • Tools for challenging and shifting your mindset
  • Support in setting achievable career goals
  • Accountability to create your next steps and get started

But You Won't Get...

Why Aren't Job-Search Services Part Of The Package?

Way before the interview… before updating your resume… and even before thinking about going back to school… you first need to discover what kind of career you want.

Even the most skilled interviewee won’t land their dream job before figuring out what that dream job is!

When the time comes, there are tons of amazing service providers to help out with the technical details.

So don’t get ahead of yourself… start at the beginning by defining what career satisfaction is to you.


Get started with a free, no-obligation Discovery Call to decide if the 4-Step Career Reset is right for you. And if I don’t feel this program can help you, I’ll let you know before you sign up. (30 minutes FREE)

The 4-Step Career Reset Includes:

1. Now vs. Ideal Future

A kickoff session to unpack your biggest career challenges and begin to picture what you really want. I use the info from this session to craft your customized Virtual Career Offsite agenda. (50 minutes, $167 value)

2. Your Virtual Career Offsite

A private half-day session of customized exercises designed to get crystal-clear on what you do and don’t want in a future career. And yes — there will be breaks! (4 hours plus custom agenda creation, $1,300 value)

3. Reflect and Plan

Unpack your biggest Offsite takeaways and use them to build your unique goals. We’ll examine what you learned about your beliefs, values, and mindset to guide you toward your ideal future. (50 minutes, $167 value)

4. Start Your Journey

What’s on your mind? What’s working well, and where are you stuck? This session is your opportunity to share your progress so far and refine your next steps. We can celebrate wins, troubleshoot challenges, and ensure you’re set up for success on the rest of your career pivot journey. (50 minutes, $167 value)

Including our initial call, this 1-on-1 coaching package totals 7 hours of private sessions with a coach who’s been exactly where you are — stuck in a career rut and desperate to discover your own path.

The 4-Step Career Reset is available now for $1,500 USD
an $1,800 value!

On the fence? Get a full refund when you cancel up to 48 hours AFTER your “Now vs. Ideal Future” kickoff session!

I just ask for your candid feedback to help me improve.

Program FAQs

What is the 4-Step Career Reset coaching package all about?

This 1-on-1 private coaching program is designed to get you unstuck from the cycle of rumination, anxiety, sleeplessness, indecision, and exhaustion caused by your unfulfilling career.


Over the course of our time together, you can expect:

  • Insight into what’s stopping you from making a change
  • Clear ideas about what you’d love to do next
  • A unique, personalized half-day with an expert coach dedicated to helping YOU move ahead — because she’s done the same for herself 
  • Support in creating a concrete plan and realistic next steps
  • Accountability as you get started

Who is this program for?

I designed the 4-Step Career Reset with corporate millennials in mind, chiefly because that’s my generation and my experience. That said, this program is for anyone who:

  • Has been in the workforce for several years and wants to make a big change
  • Is bored, stressed, anxious, exhausted, burnt out… but has no idea what they’d rather do
  • Puts everything else before their own happiness — which is why they’ve been stuck here for so long
  • Isn’t getting the support they’d like from friends and family when they talk about making a career pivot

Who ISN'T this program for?

This program is NOT for you if you:

  • Love or like your current job, or just want to tweak a few things
  • Plan to stay at your current job for several more years
  • Are looking to improve your current situation, not change jobs
  • Already know what career you want to pivot to
  • Are just starting out in the working world
  • Are looking for advice or a predetermined path
  • Aren’t much of a talker and don’t like to share what’s on your mind
  • Aren’t really sure if you want to change careers

What are the main struggles or challenges that this coaching package addresses?

The 4-Step Career Reset can help if you:

  • Know you want to change careers, but are too burnt out to really think about it
  • Aren’t getting the support you’d like from friends and family when you talk about changing careers
  • Don’t know how to figure out a better career idea
  • Are afraid you’ll still be at the same job in 1, 5, 10 years — but can’t see a way out
  • Are absolutely certain you don’t want to do this forever, but keep questioning it anyway“Am I being ungrateful?”
  • Rely on the accountability of paid appointments to get things done (ex. you work out way more when you’ve signed up for nonrefundable group classes)

What kind of support and guidance can I expect to receive during the coaching sessions?

The biggest difference between traditional support of friends, family, and even mentors vs. coaching? Advice — rather, the absence of unsolicited advice.


Whether you want it or not, you’ll get a lot of advice from friends, family, and mentors. When listening to someone’s challenges, we often try to relate to them, which comes out like this:


“Here’s what I would do.” “When I was in your shoes, I did this.” “This is what you should do.” “Your dad had the same problem! Here’s what he did.”


We mean well! But if you’ve ever received advice you didn’t want, you know it can be annoying, unhelpful, or even offensive.


That’s why in our coaching sessions, you won’t often hear what I think you should do. Instead, you’ll be supported to explore your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and values.


I’ll typically ask more questions than give answers.


If you’ve never experienced coaching, I know that this might sound confusing. “I’m paying you to ask me questions?” But the result is that you’ll understand yourself better, learn to distinguish your own opinions from the opinions of others, and come to realizations and conclusions that are uniquely yours all leading you to discover careers that you’ll truly enjoy, instead of just another job.

I hate video calls… do I have to have my camera on?

I’m not going to say you absolutely HAVE to have your camera on. And I respect any disabilities and extenuating circumstances that make video calls difficult or impossible.


But please know this:


As a coach, I can’t do my best work if I can’t see you. And as a paying client, you need to know that that poses a big risk toward you getting the most out of our work together. 


Here’s what I mean:


There are tons of energetic advantages to coaching in-person! Your coach gets to feel your energy and mood, observe your body language and facial expressions, and factor the unspoken and unseen into our sessions. This means we can make bolder, more insightful observations, which can lead to more honesty and bigger breakthroughs for our clients.


In a COVID-19 online-business world, we’ve learned to squeeze as many of these benefits as possible out of video calls. We do lose the sensations of in-person energy, though. And, since we can usually only see you from the shoulders up, we miss out on many body language signals. But we can still interpret facial expressions, eye contact, and when you shift in your chair.


Once you remove that next layer — a live, moving image of you — all that we have to go on is audio. We get some nuance from pauses and tone of voice, but the insight ends there. And in a pause, it’s much more difficult to figure out the reason you’ve stopped talking: are you having a realization? Is the connection buffering? Or did your cat walk across your keyboard and close the call? 


Pauses can be incredibly powerful and telling moments during a session — missing them can mean missing a truly golden realization. (Cool, right?)


So no — I won’t force you to have your camera on. But, I can’t be liable for any loss of insight and ability to best support you as a result.

Can we do our meetings in person?

I’m from the great State of Washington, and there’s a chance you are too! Or maybe one of our neighbors — Oregon, Idaho, BC… 


But even if we happen to be in the same town, we’ll still conduct all our meetings over Zoom*. This helps me serve each client equally and keep my costs down, both by time commitment of travel and by the exorbitant costs of an office space (‘cause this gal works out of a home office).


*After a 2023 panic about Zoom’s use of customer data, the company clarified that it doesn’t use audio, video, or any other comms from your meetings to train AI (Source) — your privacy is critical to me, so I wouldn’t use it if they did. I have disabled both of Zoom’s optional AI features, Zoom Meeting Summary and Zoom IQ Team Chat.

What's your refund policy?

The 4-Step Career Reset tackles a highly specific problem, so I’ve designed it to be inherently low-risk while we both determine if it’s right for you.


That’s why I’ve built in 3 key ways to prevent wasting your time or money:

1) This comprehensive page and FAQ section describes the package, its target audience, its expected outcomes, and what it doesn’t cover, in full detail. So, it should give you a good idea of whether the program is a fit. Either way, there are more opportunities to decide…

2) Our free Discovery Call, with no payment info required and zero obligation to sign up for the 4-Step Career Reset before, during, or after the call. I also learn more about you on this call, so if I don’t feel it’s a good fit for you, I’ll let you know upfront.

3) I offer a full refund when you cancel anytime up to 2 days AFTER your “Now vs. Ideal Future” kickoff session! That means you’re refunded for that first completed session ($167 value). In return, I just ask that you please let me know what led you to cancel. That way, I can make improvements to best serve future clients.


*Please Note: I do not offer any refunds when you cancel more than 48 hours following our “Now vs. Ideal Future” kickoff session.*


Here’s why:

1) This is a service-based solution, not a product — so you can’t “return” it like a physical product. I’m confident that everyone who signs up will experience new insights, reflections, points of view, or perspective shifts during the course of the program.

2) In coaching, you get out of it what you put into it. That means it’s up to you to apply what you learn during the 4-Step Career Reset. I will support, guide, provide observations, and offer insights during the course of your transformation, with the goal of helping you achieve your dreams with more confidence, structure, and accountability.


However — I can’t complete your exercises, decide your best future career, or put in the work to achieve it for you.


Shortly after your Now. vs. Ideal Future session, I begin the behind-the-scenes work to create your customized Virtual Career Offsite agenda and more — and whether you commit to change or not, you will receive value from what’s to come. That’s why I’ve chosen not to offer refunds after this point.

Will the coaching help me identify new industries or career paths that align with my interests and skills?

Our work will include suggested resources that can help you use what you’ve learned about yourself to discover industries and career paths that could be a great fit for you.


Will I suggest that you should be a teacher, a zookeeper, a CFO… or any specific career? No.


Will I hand you a list of Top Careers For Empathetic People and ask you to choose one to focus on? No.


But will I follow threads and patterns from our sessions, making observations that can help bring you closer to discovering your ideal career? Absolutely 100%.


TL;DR: You will not get career advice or lists of “suitable careers” from our sessions. But together, we will collect insights, observations, resources, and patterns — all clues to discovering your ideal career.

How will this coaching package help me gain clarity and direction in terms of what I truly want to do next in my career?

Since the aim of the 4-Step Career Reset is to provide you with clarity and direction, I purposefully designed it as a 1-on-1 coaching package. These private, closed sessions let us focus on your unique situation — without getting hung up on what anyone else has done, is doing, or wants to do.


While each session is structured to help you move from stuck to forward-thinking, the 1-on-1 format also lets you take charge of getting the clarity and direction you’re looking for. So during any session, are you confused? Stuck? Unsure? These sessions are exclusively for your benefit, so please — let me know, and let’s talk through it!


I’m also trained to look for unspoken cues, so if I notice something feels off, I’ll ask about it. If I’m right, we can work through it together; if not, we move on.

Can this coaching package help me manage burnout, exhaustion, and the constant need to be available?

The focus of the 4-Step Career Reset is on helping you find a more fulfilling career away from the burnout, exhaustion, and always-on culture. You already know that coping strategies aren’t the right solution for you — instead, you want to get away from this industry altogether. So in our targeted time together, that will be our focus.


That said, we won’t ignore anything that’s stopping you from moving forward — including burnout and demanding expectations. We’ll tackle mindset, challenge beliefs, and troubleshoot challenges along the way. But remember, the ultimate goal of this specific package is to help you discover, picture, and plan for a new career path.

Will I learn strategies to disconnect from work during personal time and reduce stress and anxiety?

The 4-Step Career Reset is the best choice for you because you’re ready for a big change! You aren’t just looking for ways to manage this career for the rest of your life. You’re looking for clarity and direction to get out ASAP.


Because of that, I designed the package to be highly focused on moving you from “IDK what I’d rather do — anything but this,” to “I can see my future career, and I’m taking steps toward it now.”


So rather than focusing on strategies to manage your current career, we’re looking to the future. Along the way, you might gain insights to help you set boundaries and challenge mindsets and beliefs that add to your stress!


But since troubleshooting your current stressors isn’t the primary goal of our time together, I haven’t designed our sessions around that.

How will this coaching package help me find a better work-life balance and increase my fulfillment and satisfaction?

I’ll start by saying that work-life balance means different things to every single person. So, this coaching package will help identify what your top priorities are, what work-life balance means to you, and what work-life balance could look like in your unique ideal career.


It won’t center on creating work-life balance in your current career. You may pick up some insights and strategies to help with that, but it’s not our focus.


As for career fulfillment and satisfaction — now that’s the name of the game. By spending hours together determining what those things look like to you and how important they are for you, we create momentum toward discovering a more fulfilling, more satisfying career path ahead!


Again, this is all focused on that future career. We will not spend the bulk of our time discussing how to make your current, exhausting, anxiety-ridden, soul-sucking job any more fulfilling and satisfying — because you’ve already figured out that just won’t be possible.

Can this coaching package provide me with opportunities for growth and advancement in my current job or industry?

No — and here’s why.


If you’re looking for growth opportunities and promotions within your current industry — firstly, congratulations on having found the career path that fits your future! That’s a huge accomplishment, and you should be so, so proud.


But secondly — if that describes you, I’m not the coach for you! Traditional career skills coaches or career training programs can be incredible resources for “hard skills” like strengthening your resume, networking, negotiating, and much more.


But Lucy Todd Coaching and the 4-Step Career Reset are laser-focused on self-inquiry: discovering a fulfilling career beyond what you’ve explored or can even muster the strength to imagine. We’re about self-exploration, self-confidence, and brand-new possibilities. Not growing along your current path, but leaping off the path entirely.


So if your aim is to rise up in the ranks of your current job or industry, the 4-Step Career Reset isn’t a good fit for you.

Will the coaching help me overcome procrastination and self-doubt when it comes to making a career change?

A huge focus of the 4-Step Career Reset is on overcoming self-doubt — which, by the way, is a common factor in procrastination (APA, opens in new tab). So we’ll work on understanding your self-doubt, learning to recognize it, starting to challenge it, and using those techniques to keep you moving forward at times you would usually stay stuck.


When it comes to procrastinating on action, the program also includes strategies for:

  • Setting realistic goals
  • Creating small action steps toward those goals
  • Building accountability systems
  • Gaining awareness around what’s getting in your way

Together, these tools help to identify and challenge procrastination.

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If you don't like the road you're walking,
start paving another one.
Dolly Parton

What clients are saying

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna nibh augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla.
Olivia Holmes
In eget scelerisque nulla sociis turpis blandit enim tempor nec ipsum vel ut diam quis convallis fames semper amet, lectus volutpat morbi amet nisl hac sit etiam ante pulvinar aliquet elementum morbi.
Roberto Lopez
Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque cras duis.
Julia Moore
Dignissim suspendisse donec in non in proin dolor massa cursus ac aliquet platea at aenean malesuada mauris amet ullamcorper sit amet elementum gravida quisque.
Maria Anna
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